With its commitment to raise a generation of healthy and drug-free people, the Health Education Foundation (HEF) counts it a pleasure and sacred task to help save people from future ruin. Born on February 1, 1999 HEF was officially registered with the US Government– Registration No. 0100770460

Pioneering Board Meeting (left to right) Jeronino Ramos Treasurer, Dr. Levi Pagunsan, Rudney Bartolome (President), Manny Mullaneda (Executive Director) and Susan Bartolome (Secretary)
A study showed that 93% of the patients at various drug rehabilitation centers were regular smokers and 91% drank alcohol before they took other drugs. Cigarette smoking opens the door to drug dependency. It’s a gateway drug. “If a parent can keep his child from smoking cigarette, that child’s chances of becoming drug abuser are extremely low. Drug dependency including alcohol dependence is associated with cigarette dependence, and cigarette dependence predates any of the other drugs. ” says Dr. Forest Tenant, M.D Executive director of Community Health Project Inc. of West Covina, California, USA. A youngster starts smoking cigarette then later would graduate to smoking marijuana. This explains why HEF integrates anti-smoking in her drug awareness campaign.

HEF has produced brochures/leaflets entitled:
- 5 secrets to Stop Smoking
- Stay Young Without Drugs
- How to Care for Person with AIDS
- The Benefits of AIDS.
- Alcohol, America’s No 1 Drug Problem.
- Born Champion.
The problem lies in man’s risky behavior. Man’s own effort to change himself is short-term. Man is prone to do evil, but he has the desire to do good. Imagine how many times he made New Year Resolutions only to find himself back to his own lifestyle after few weeks. No wonder several drug addicts who after-care from a rehabilitation center experienced recurrences and relapses.
Personal testimonies have been told how former drug addicts were completely changed. They attributed this long-term change to the Power of God that intervened in their lives. No more recurrence and relapse! Thus spiritual therapy now forms part of recovery treatment at several rehabilitation centers for drug dependents.
Mary Magdalene, that prostitute or commercial sex worker of olden times was completely changed when Jesus told her: “Go and sin no more.” She was never the same again. Made whole! No more illicit sex with multiple partners, No more risky practices.
Thus for a long-term change of behavior, HEF supports the effort in instilling in the minds of people the Philosophy of life based in the Bible and God.
Officers of Health Education Foundation, Inc. (HEF):
- Emmanuel Jardiniano– President
- Emmanuel P. Mullaneda – Vice President
- Dr. Adeline Libato – Vice President for Human Resources, Thailand
- Sara Santiago– Treasurer
- Wilfreda Herbolingo– Secretary
- Ryan Valenzuela – Auditor
- Satya Besra – PRO
- Emmanuel P. Mullaneda -Executive Director
- Maria-Elena C. Zegna -Chief Development Officer
Board of Trustees:
- Emmanuel Y. Jardiniano-Director/Chairman
- Edda Herbolingo – Director
- Robert Turner– Director
- Sammy Pastores – Director
- Chris Biton – Director
- Ryan Valenzuela – Director
- Christina Pastores– Director

Quartet singing for a worthy cause.HEF Team doing Community Service.

Manny Jardiniano (HEF president-left) with Manny Mullaneda (Vice president-center) and Ryan Valenzuela posed after attending UN Conference in New York City.Dr Ed Alegria, HEF resource lecturer speaking to African partipants during Combat AIDS seminar in Jersey City, New Jersey.